
Showing posts from September, 2012

SharePoint Number Column Without Commas

Avoiding thousand separator(Comma) in SharePoint Number field SharePoint number fields having thousand separators(Comma) which may not want us to need every time. But there are no possibility to avoid the thousand separator(Comma) in the number fields.  To avoid this comma we can do a small workout as following.. Suppose our Number field named as "Student No." Create another Calculated column and name it as "Student Number" Then you have to type the formula according to the following format     = TEXT( Number_Column_Name, "0") And click Save In our scenario it will show as =TEXT([Student No],"0") Note : If the Student No field will empty, the value will be shown as "0".... Or if you want to keep it blank you have to adjust the formula as   =IF( [Student No] <>"",TEXT( [Student No] ,"0"),"") 

Create SharePoint New Site in FOUR steps

Step One :  Go to the SharePoint site collection you want to create the new site. And click Site Action button to drop down the Site Action menu. The select New Site in Site Action menu Step Two : Select the type of the site template you want to create. Team Site template is the most popular template among those Step Three :  Enter the Title of the site you are going to create and the URL of it        (If you are planning to manage the permission uniquely, click More Option rather than Create ) Step Four : Enter the Site Title and the URL you are going to create. Then select Use unique permission to introduce a different permission structure which not use in the parent site of this newly creating site Click Create button to create the new site.   That's ALL......!